Who we are

The first Business Metaverse platform in Latin America

The Scolcoin network, powered by an EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) and a POA protocol, ensures the total decentralization of the metaverse.

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Our top partner
why Choose us

Blockchain Technology SAS Metaverse
Designed for Real Impact


Own your virtual farm, face real-world challenges, and turn your NFT into real rewards, income, and organic experiences.


"Conquer the Sanctuary: Protect, preserve, and be part of the change in our metaverse."


"Own, build, and trade virtual spaces with NFT licenses, earning bonuses, company shares, and tokens—where VR turns designs into real-world businesses!"

  • Technological development.: 40%
  • Ecosystem expansion: 10%
  • Global Marketing: 15%
  • Acquisition of specialized talent.: 10%
  • Risk Mitigation Fund: 10%
  • Investment Fund “Project Incubator”: 15%

1 CAL = 0.027 US

The investment is $1161 US, includes: 42,630 licenses, 4 company BONUS SHARES and 40,000 token WBG (World Business Game).

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1 CAL = 0.027 US

The investment is $1161 US, includes: 20,000 licenses, 2 company BONUS SHARES and 20,000 token WBG (World Business Game) and 1 unit Meta Qust 3 VR Glasses.

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OUr Roadmap

Project Plan

Mid of Q1 2023


Creation of EVM for Scolcoin API creation POA nodes
Mid of Q2, Q3 2024


Planning and Design of metaverse licenses integration of Scolcoin with smart contracts NFT Licenses. incubator project coordination
Mid of Q4 2024

EVM with Licence

Public testnet launch Launch Network Explorer, Dex and Token WBG Creation of NFT licenses
Mid of Q1 Q4 2025


Initial Invest Offer NFT Licenses Round1 42630 LIC x 0.027 US 4 BONUS SHARES 1000 WBG (Airdrop) Total investment 1161 US
Mid of Q2 2025

Shareholder Round1

Delivery of the BONUS SHARES to each investor Round 1 Digital identity shareholder certificates, legal documents
Mid of Q3 2025


WBG listing on DEX
Mid of Q4 2025


Dashboard Smart Contract Graphic Version 0.1 Metaverse NFT valuation Wallet Holders Android
Mid of Q1 2026


Invest Offer NFT Licenses Round 2 20000 LIC x 0.055 US 2 BONUS SHARES Airdrop 1000 WBG Wallet Holders Pc Electrum
Mid of Q2 2026

Shareholder Round2

Delivery of the BONUS SHARES to each investor Round 2 Digital identity shareholder certificateslegal documents Wallet Holders MAC
Mid of Q3 2026


Integration with Idblk.com Integration with TradingView
Mid of Q4 2026

Version 0.2

Delivery of Graphic Version 0.2 Valuation of Metaverse licenses
Mid of Q1 2027


Invest Offer NFT Licenses Round3 Version 0.3 13333 LIC = 0.082 US 1.3 BONUS SHARES 1000 WBG (Airdrop)
Mid of Q2 2027


WBG listing on Exchange SCOL listing on Exchange
Mid of Q3 2027

Version 0.3

delivery of P2P Exchange of Licenses and WBG Token Delivery of Graphic Version 0.3 Valuation of Metaverse licenses WBG Shopping Center Delivery
Mid of Q4 2027


Invest Offer NFT Licenses Round 4 Version 0.4 10000 LIC x 0.11 US 1 BONUS SHARES 1000 WBG (Airdrop)
Mid of Q1 2028

Shareholder Round 4

Delivery of the BONUS SHARES to each investor Round 4 Digital identity shareholder certificateslegal documents
Mid of Q2 2028


Invest Offer NFT Licenses Round 5 Version 0.5 8000 LIC x 0.14 US 0.8 BONUS SHARES 1000 WBG (Airdrop)
Mid of Q3 2028

Shareholder Round 5

Delivery of the BONUS SHARES to each investor Round 5 Digital identity shareholder certificateslegal documents
Mid of Q4 2028


Invest Offer NFT Licenses Round 6 Version 0.6 8000 LIC x 0.16 US 0.7 BONUS SHARES 1000 WBG (Airdrop)
Mid of Q1 2029

Shareholder Round 6

Delivery of the BONUS SHARES to each investor Round 6 Digital identity shareholder certificateslegal documents
Mid of Q2 2029


Initial Invest Offer NFT Licenses Round 7 Version 0.7 5714 LIC x 0.19US 0.6 BONUS SHARES 1000 WBG (Airdrop)
Mid of Q3 2029

Shareholder Round 7

Delivery of the BONUS SHARES to each investor Round 7 Digital identity shareholder certificateslegal documents
Mid of Q4 2029

Round 8

Invest Offer NFT Licenses Round 8 Version 0.8 5000 LIC x 0.22 US 0.5 BONUS SHARES 1000 WBG (Airdrop)
Mid of Q1 2030

Shareholder Round 8

Delivery of the BONUS SHARES to each investor Round 8 Digital identity shareholder certificateslegal documents
Mid of Q2 2030

Round 9

Invest Offer NFT Licenses Round 9 Version 0.9 4444 LIC x 0.25US 0.4 BONUS SHARES 1000 WBG (Airdrop)
Mid of Q3 2030

Shareholder Round 9

Delivery of the BONUS SHARES to each investor Round 9 Digital identity shareholder certificateslegal documents
Mid of Q4 2030

Round 10

Invest Offer NFT Licenses Round 10 Version 1.0 4000 LIC x 0.27US 0.4 BONUS SHARES 1000 WBG (Airdrop)
Our team

The Leadership

Juan Pablo Abadia Medina

Founder & CO

Samuel Ceballos



Product Manager

Daniel Aguirre


Alberto Vasquez


John F. Tamayo L.

Trade Adviser

Carmelo Campos


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  • White Paper
  • Privacy & Policy
  • Terms Of Coin Sale
  • Projection

Blockchain Technology SAS


+57 3157619684

Colombia/Valle del Cauca